Final Results:

Vote of Confidence for Mike Filippi

Dated: April 16, 2020

Voting has now concluded with full participation of all eligible voting members of the church. We thank everyone for their participation in this process.

The final result is a 17% affirmative vote of confidence for Mike Filippi. This is much lower than the required 70% affirmative vote necessary to avoid termination as Pastor.

As previously noted, actions to conclude Mr. Filippi’s position as pastor were previously initiated when it was obvious the outcome would never result in the required 70% affirmative vote of confidence.

Currently the Governor’s standing orders for COVID-19 do not preclude us from requesting that Mr. Filippi and his family vacate the parsonage with a 24-hour notice. This is because he does not fall into the exempt status precluding evictions due to no-payment of rent due to unemployment related to COVID-19 business restrictions. However, the board will review this matter, and decide when they feel it is appropriate to request that Mr. Filippi and his family vacate the parsonage. In the interim the church is paying for his utility services.

Mr. Filippi has been advised of our intent to make a request to vacate the parsonage within the next few weeks.

To avoid the inability to continue to do business due to the potential lack of a quorum, InFaith’s representative Tom Hiscox used his emergence powers under Article 7 to temporally appoint Brian Becker to the Board until we can have our annual meeting and elections. This appointment is for board membership only and is not an appointment to the Pastoral Position left vacant by Mr. Filippi’s removal.

This has been a most unusual, unfortunate and very stressful time. The Board sees these recent events as valuable but hard lessons. Lest we forget God is food and always with us!

With His guidance and help we are on our way to bringing peace back to the Church and healing the congregation so we can worship, praise and study the Word together. We are looking forward to new beginnings and a great future. We wil keep you posted as to when we wil be open for services.

Bless You All,

David Allinger

Chairman of the Board